Friday, September 17, 2010

Unregulated City Jails

While looking for an article on The Texas Tribune, I came across an interesting title: “City Jails Unregulated Despite Deaths”. First off the article says talks about a jail inmate that committed suicide with “wet wads of toilet paper” and how there are many cases of people dying or committing suicide in jail just over the past few years. During a recent senate committee meeting officials told lawmakers of how poor conditions are in city jails and how they need to improve. One inmate stated that she was thrown in jail and given a cell phone to contact the office if need be and was left unsupervised for three hours. This inmate needs to face the fact that she did something wrong and is paying their consequence for it. If you don’t want to sit in a jail cell alone or with other criminals then there is an easy solution, don’t put yourself in the situation to be arrested and go to jail. Proposals to regulate city jails the same as county and other bigger jails has failed five times, which is every time is has been proposed. If city jails were forced to higher regulations then most of the city jails would close due to insufficient funds. Although city jails don’t have the money for this, Democrat John Whitmire would find the money yet the state budget is already facing a $21 billion hole in 2011. State leaders want to cut spending not find more places to blow money in unnecessary ways.

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