Friday, October 15, 2010

Insurance Checkpoints

I was reading a blog called "Grits for Breakfast" and there was an article that caught my attention about Insurance Checkpoints in Corpus Christi. The police chief in Corpus wants to set up these Insurance Checkpoints and seize cars that are not insured. I agree with what the City Council and Police are doing, If you don't have insurance you should not be allowed to drive. The author doesn't think that this is a good idea and that this checkpoint system will fail like it did in Dallas. Then again he also stated that they didn't put as much effort or money behind the checkpoints. A law is a law and if you are not going to follow it then you have to face the consequences. I would think that everyone knows this but I guess not. The police aren't going to take your car the first time. Its just like speeding, if you get caught then you get a warning, then a ticket and another ticket and maybe even some jail time. If you drive without insurance then you get a ticket and if you don't get it taken care of then the next time you get pulled over and they ask for insurance then the police are going to take your car and sell it in an auction. Not only is having insurance the law but it will also help you in the long run. If you get into an accident insurance helps you pay for damages to other vehicles and yours as well. I think common sense would be to have insurance if it was the law or not.

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