Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Border problems still need fixing

During a recent MSNBC interview Governor Rick Perry said he would support military use against the ongoing drug cartels. Although what he says now is slightly different then what he said previously about involving the military with this escapade.
 It seems that ever since Texas gained its independence there has been border problems. Whether as a Country or a state there has been the same issue with keeping the border safe. To me Texas seems to be the place where everyone wants to be. There are millions of people that move to Texas every year and there is always a story about illegal immigration on the news. I can understand that people want a better life for them and their family and so they come to America where they can have freedom and make money to send to their family. With the recent drug lords and cartels I wouldn’t even want to go close to the border. Texas has spent over $230 million to protect the border and keep it safe. There are fences, people patrolling, and even a virtual watch was installed.
Why do people feel the need to cross the border illegally? I don’t hear on the news about people from Russia or London sneaking across the border on trucks or in boxes. The border problem with Mexico has gone out of control and the U.S. can’t do anything alone. If things want to change then there has to be an effort on the Mexico side of the border too. A lot of small countries come to the United States for aide and support. If Mexico wants our help in stopping these drug rings then they will have to speak up and ask for help. If nothing is said then nothing can be done.
There is no reason or excuse for a person to try and come to America illegally. There is a system and it should be followed. They system may be long and hard but I know that if I wanted to live somewhere else I would take the steps necessary to be able to live there. Get a passport and start the application process. Once you have started the process then you can actually be a constructive member of our government. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comment: The Importance of Voting

While reading my classmates blogs I came across the issue of voting. Reanna brings up an important topic. During election time you here people saying don't vote for this candidate or don't vote for him because he lied about me. Then you have the people who say that "they don't know who to vote for so they won't". This was my first election to vote in and I was proud that I was finally able to put my opinion on the ballot.

 Reanna told why she thinks it is a good idea to vote and that you don't have to just pick from the Republican or Democratic party. There are other parties out there and if you like their ideas then vote for them. You have the free will to vote for whoever you want. If you don't then you don't have the right to complain when the law changes to something you don't like.

This editorial of voting is not biased. Reanna stated the pros of voting and the cons of not voting. The person of proposition that you vote on may not turn out to be what you wanted but you took part in the decision. How else can you get something passed if no one votes? If you don't want to vote then I suggest that you move somewhere like Cuba or North Korea and have a dictator that tell you everything you can and can't do.