Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Border problems still need fixing

During a recent MSNBC interview Governor Rick Perry said he would support military use against the ongoing drug cartels. Although what he says now is slightly different then what he said previously about involving the military with this escapade.
 It seems that ever since Texas gained its independence there has been border problems. Whether as a Country or a state there has been the same issue with keeping the border safe. To me Texas seems to be the place where everyone wants to be. There are millions of people that move to Texas every year and there is always a story about illegal immigration on the news. I can understand that people want a better life for them and their family and so they come to America where they can have freedom and make money to send to their family. With the recent drug lords and cartels I wouldn’t even want to go close to the border. Texas has spent over $230 million to protect the border and keep it safe. There are fences, people patrolling, and even a virtual watch was installed.
Why do people feel the need to cross the border illegally? I don’t hear on the news about people from Russia or London sneaking across the border on trucks or in boxes. The border problem with Mexico has gone out of control and the U.S. can’t do anything alone. If things want to change then there has to be an effort on the Mexico side of the border too. A lot of small countries come to the United States for aide and support. If Mexico wants our help in stopping these drug rings then they will have to speak up and ask for help. If nothing is said then nothing can be done.
There is no reason or excuse for a person to try and come to America illegally. There is a system and it should be followed. They system may be long and hard but I know that if I wanted to live somewhere else I would take the steps necessary to be able to live there. Get a passport and start the application process. Once you have started the process then you can actually be a constructive member of our government. 


  1. There are plenty of reasons for a person to try and come to America illegally. In a perfect world, the process would be followed but as you know, this world, especially Mexico, is far from perfect. You said it, the process takes too long. There's not a system in place for most Mexican citizens to be able to care for family on a consistent basis. Their best solution is to come over to Texas and work illegally and send money back to Mexico. There are always employers looking to hire illegal immigrants because they can pay them less and feel less liable if an accident happened since the worker was undocumented. Who would they have to inform? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Mexican government to help out. They are probably part of the problem. I do agree with you that the process is in place and it should be followed. It's not easy to tell that to someone who needs money to feed their family now and not years later when he may become a citizen.

  2. I agree that the countless murders committed by the drug cartels are bad and something needs to be done about it; however, I disagree with her views on illegal immigration. To help solve the cartel problems, I believe that we should step away from the border and look for other options. The border problem is not one of Mexico's top priorities at the moment, so I don't see them asking for aide anytime soon. As long as the demand for illegal drugs like marijuana exist, the cartels are not going anywhere. I seem to be talking a lot about this this week, but I believe that if Texas made marijuana legal, the strength of the cartels would greatly diminish and we would no longer have to spend millions of dollars in defense from the cartels.

    Amelia asks why people would come to the US illegally It seems though Amelia already answered her question early on in her post by stating, "I can understand that people want a better life for them and their family and so they come to America where they can have freedom and make money to send to their family". Amelia later goes on to say, "There is no reason or excuse for a person to try and come to America illegally". Amelia seems to contradict herself with this, I believe that wanting a better life for one's family is a great reason for someone to enter the US illegally. Also, it is obvious that crossing the border is very dangerous, but if people are still willing to risk their lives to do it, there must be great reason for it. Amelia seems to be a strong believer in following the bureaucratic order of things. What do you do though when you have an ill family member and your $30 a day is not enough to even buy your family decent food let alone medication and doctor's visits. You know that if you immigrated to the US you would be able to find a job that pays enough to support your family and help your ill family member. What do you do? Do you start your application process which takes several years and is not a guarantee while your family suffers? Or do you cross the border illegally so you can help your family sooner. Yes, I know that entering the US without the proper documentation is illegal, but sometimes law are meant to be broken.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In a recent posting from one of my colleagues, Border problems still need fixing, my colleague proceeded to explain that the drug cartels along the border have discouraged many people from the border despite the security. She states that this immigration problem has gone too far and that there are rules set in place for a reason and they should be followed. It is also recorded that the Mexican government should aid Texas in this fight against the drug cartel. She also asks why anyone would even want to come illegally.
    First, Mexico has an entire different government than Texas. When the government is corrupted with the drug cartel, it is hard to fight against it. The Mexican government is not going to aid Texas in this fight. Second, Mexican citizens have plenty of reasons to want to cross illegally. They live in a poverty-stricken area, their government is corrupt, they don’t have jobs, and they have families to provide for. If someone is desperate for money to provide for their family, they will do just about anything; including dangerously crossing over illegally to the United States.
    I do agree with my colleague in one area, Texas cannot fight this drug cartel issue alone. The Mexican government is not going to help, so we need to call in our Federal Government for aid. It is obvious that Texas cannot handle this issue alone.
